Want to Join?

If you are interested in joining the 6C Network Middle Division news blog, contact Ms. Upmeyer. A link to her email is at the end of this post.

The 1-semester class, Modern Communications is currently running during 8th period for the 2017-2018 school year. This class IS a hybrid class, containing both Upper Division and Middle Division students.

Please note! Although the elective only runs for a semester, the news blog will be running all year (and even post occasional summer content!) If you are truly interested in being a serious staffer for this, please consider repeating the elective for both semesters. The Upper Division students will be there the entire year, and we would love to have Middle Division staff who stay in the class the entire year as well!

However, you can be a member of the 6C staff without being in any specific class, although attending will help you gain important skills and make it easier to participate. If you cannot get into the class (or take it for another semester) you are welcome to continue on staff, as long as you can occasionally make after school or lunch meetings and stay connected over Slack. In addition, we are always looking for contributing writers, photographers, and illustrator/cartoonists!

Email Ms. Upmeyer directly if you would like to contribute but cannot take the class. You can reach her here.